What to know about red light therapy

Full-Body Red Light Therapy (RLT), is a treatment that exposes the body to low-wavelength, red light. This therapy is designed to treat skin conditions like scarring and signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age spots.

Although there is evidence to support many of these claims RLT is not a miracle cure.

Anybody considering this treatment should also consider other ways to improve skin health. Side effects can also be caused by improper use of RLT.

If you are unsure whether RLT is right, talk to your doctor.

How it works

RLT is a simple procedure that involves exposing the body and skin to low-wavelength red light. RLT is a more popular name for this process.

This natural red light can penetrate the skin and reach the cells.

Experts attribute the potential benefits of RLT to this function. The cells might be able to repair and regenerate themselves with this extra energy.

RLT is still in its infancy, but there are no clear evidence to support it as a treatment. Although many studies have shown promise for the treatment, more clinical studies with humans will be needed to determine its potential uses.

Despite this, RLT has many potential benefits, which we will discuss in the sections below.

Improving skin health

RLT is a popular option to improve skin health.

Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the potential of RLT to improve skin health. The review in the journal Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery Trusted source suggests that RLT could help to rejuvenate the skin.

to note that most of the RLT results come from animal or test tube experiments, which examine the function of RLT. As can be seen in the clinical trial, many of the human studies were conducted with very small sample sizes.

These results are encouraging, but not conclusive evidence that the therapy will work in all cases.

Improve acne

The behavior of the skin’s sebaceous glands can be affected by the sun. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands, which can clog pores and lead to acne. Sunlight can help to calm overactive glands.

Many people are concerned about sun exposure. This is because it can lead to skin cancers. These may lead to skin cancer.

RLT can be used alone or in combination of other treatments like blue light therapy to treat acne vulgaris. The light seems to penetrate the skin, affecting sebum production and reducing inflammation .

Wound healing

RLT can also be used to treat pain in patients with certain conditions.

Research has shown that RLT can reduce pain in adults suffering from musculoskeletal conditions. Researchers found that RLT therapy is more effective when practitioners adhere to prescribed dosages.

Enhancing bone recovery

Researchers’ findings indicate that RLT could accelerate healing following treatment for facial bone defects. It was also noted that RLT helped to reduce inflammation and pain.

Researchers did however call for a standardised approach to determine if the therapy is effective.

Anti-inflammatory properties

RLT is known to have significant anti-inflammatory properties. However, the reason for this effect is still unknown. These effects can be localized in areas where the practitioner applies the light and also systemic in other tissues or organs of the body.

Researchers explain that RLT has many benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties.

We may be able to determine if it can help with chronic inflammation issues like:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • obesity
  • alopecia areata
  • Thyroid inflammation or autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • psoriasis
  • arthritis
  • Tendinitis or Inflammation of the Tendons

The research is still in its infancy. The anti-inflammatory effects of RLT are very promising.

Studies in the past have highlighted the importance of using specific wavelengths to target skin.

Potential side effects

RLT is completely natural. It exposes skin to light levels that aren’t harmful, unlike the UV light from the sun. Also Read How Red Light Therapy Works

RLT is safe and has virtually no side effects. A practitioner who is not experienced or who has exposed themselves to too much treatment could cause tissue and cell injury.

Use of products at home can also cause skin irritations and burns.

Insurance coverage and costs

RLT is relatively inexpensive to operate. RLT is not considered a traditional medicine, and is therefore widely available. RLT rooms and lamps may be offered by many establishments, including:

  • Gyms
  • Day spas
  • Salons for tanning
  • Wellness centers
  • saunas
  • Dermatology offices

Targeted red light lamps are also available from many companies as a spot-healing tool. Before purchasing such devices, make sure you are certain that it emits the correct wavelengths of red light.

RLT is not covered by insurance. Some dermatologists might offer RLT applications. Anybody with concerns about a skin problem that RLT might help should consult their doctor.


RLT is usually safe and can be an effective treatment option for those who want to make small changes to their skin, or to maintain healthy skin and reduce inflammation.

Others applications of RLT offer promising early evidence. However, there isn’t enough reliable evidence from humans to make it an effective method in all cases.

RLT is just one component of a complete skin-care routine. It should not be the sole way that a person takes good care of their skin. For a person to notice the improvements in their skin, it may take several treatments with RLT.

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