Delta 8 THC Benefits: What Made It So Popular

THC is the most well-known molecule found in cannabis plants. New analogs of THC are emerging as scientists dig deeper into cannabis science.

Delta 8 THC is a milder and less intoxicating variant of delta 9 THC, which is one of the most talked about topics in cannabis. It can be found in many cannabis strains.

Delta 8 THC acts as a compromise between CBD and THC. You will get high, but it won’t make you feel euphoric. It also offers many health benefits that cannabinoids are known for, including relief from pain, nausea and inflammation, as well as loss of appetite and depression.

We’ll be giving you a complete overview of these benefits today.

Let’s first focus on the effects and interactions of delta 8 THC with the brain.

How does Delta 8 THC feel?

You can find the explanation here: “What is delta 8 THC supposed make me feel?”

It’s basically a milder form of delta 9 THC. You should remember that everyone is unique and your experience may differ from your friend’s. There are certain effects that THC users can relate too.

The effects of delta-8 THC are easy to describe if you have never tried cannabis products.

The relaxing effects of delta 8 THC are remarkable. They can put the user in a state of calm. These effects vary in dose. Lower doses are more likely to improve mood and increase energy, while higher doses can cause sedation and pain relief.

The following effects may be felt:

  • Feeling light and airy as if you are weightless
  • Improved focus and higher energy
  • You will feel relaxed and calm, without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Appetite Boost
  • Intense relaxation

Delta 8 THC High vs. Delta9 THC

Paranoia and anxiety are two common side effects of delta-9 THC users. They can easily be triggered by reactive users and occur at high doses.

This facet of Delta 8 THC is totally different. Although it can cause intoxication, it won’t make you feel out of control. You can feel in control no matter how intense your high is.

People also report that delta 8 THC does not make them feel sleepy unless they are taking very high doses. Although the high can induce relaxation, it won’t make you feel glued to your couch.

It is unlikely that Delta 8 THC will make your heart beat faster.

What are the benefits of Delta 8 THC?

According to the National Cancer Institute delta 8 THC is able to bind to CB1 & CB2 receptors in the body. These receptors make up the endocannabinoid network (ECS), which is the main regulatory network that keeps us in homeostasis, a fancy term for total balance throughout our bodies.

Delta 8 THC has similar health benefits as CBD and delta 9 THC because of its affinity with CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. THC is more effective than CBD or delta 9 THC for its impact on cognition, perception and appetite stimulation. You can still use these cannabinoids to produce specific effects, as part of the entourage effect.

Let’s not just talk about delta 8, let’s look at ways you can make it work for you in your everyday life.

1. A smoother, more psychoactive experience

Because CBD doesn’t get you high, recreational cannabis users are not likely to use it. However, some people are sensitive to delta 9 THC, which can cause anxiety when taken in high amounts.

delta8 THC is safer if you don’t want to experience the extreme high that can cause anxiety and paranoia. The potency of delta 8 THC has been estimated to be between 50-70%. Many users of delta 8 claim that the cannabinoid’s effects are less intense and allow them to stay focused and relaxed.

2. Appetite Boost

Delta 9 THC can have stronger cognitive effects than delta 8, but delta 8 THC is more effective in boosting appetite. Scientists have found that delta 8 THC can stimulate appetite twice as strongly as delta 9 THC.

Delta 8 THC is a great option for those who enjoy cannabis for their munchies. A single dose can dramatically increase appetite.

These properties make delta8 THC an effective aid for those with low appetites and eating disorders.

3. Neuroprotection

Scientists have been exploring the effects of delta 8 THC on the brain as a reason for their recent discoveries.

The neuroprotective effects of Delta 8 THC are remarkable. It can block the release of adenylylcyclase, regulate potassium and calcium channels in central nervous system. These actions can improve brain health.

Delta 8 can also raise levels of choline or acetylcholine. This could be helpful in the treatment for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease.

Last, but not least: Delta 8 creates new neurons (neurogenesis), which improves cognitive function.

4. Better Sleep

Delta 8 THC causes a more relaxing high than that experienced by delta 9. Although the effects are similar, they are less potent and include stress relief, euphoria and uplifting effects as well as sedation. People with insomnia will find these effects helpful.

5. Digestive Support

You can use delta 8 THC to manage nausea and vomiting. It is as effective as delta 9 THC in controlling nausea and vomiting. Delta 9 THC’s stronger psychoactive nature has prevented wider availability of this drug for nausea treatment.

Delta 8 THC is similar to other antiemetic compounds, but has a lower incidence of anxiety and paranoia. Research suggests that delta 8 THC could be used as an adjunctive treatment to treat side effects of traditional cancer treatments.

6. Relaxation

The National Cancer Institute has found that delta-8 THC has anxiolytic properties. It can be used to relax and reduce stress, just like delta 9 THC for reactive users.

Delta 8 THC binds with the CB1 receptors of the brain. These receptors are key in modulating the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Delta 8 THC has a lower affinity to CB1 receptors which makes it more effective in relieving anxiety and stress.

Delta 8 THC, like CBD and other cannabinoids can relax muscles and help you unwind. It doesn’t make your body feel deprived so you can continue to do your daily tasks while still enjoying the benefits.

7. Pain Relief

People are increasingly choosing delta 8 THC for pain relief over other cannabinoids. Research has shown that delta 8 THC can be used topically to relieve chronic pain. Chronic pain and inflammation are common with neuropathy, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease as well as multiple sclerosis.

THC is known to relieve chronic pain. THC has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates pain transmission neurons and hormones. THC can alter your perception of pain.

It is reasonable to believe that delta 8 THC, which has the same properties as delta 9 THC, can help make the pain less intense.

How to Use Delta8 THC

Delta 8 THC can be tried, but you should start slowly and take 5-10mg. Then wait to see how you feel.

Delta 8 THC has a delayed start, compared to delta 9. It can take between 1-3 hours for delta 8 THC to kick in depending on how much you consume. To avoid side effects, ensure you wait for the first dose before taking another one.

Experienced and moderate users of delta9 THC can consume between 25-40 mg and microdose less. Delta 8 gummies contain 24 mg of THC, which is equivalent to 10 mg in weed gummies.

Even if you are a seasoned cannabis user, your experience can be affected by the setting, tolerance, body chemistry, and other factors. You may find that you need less to get the same effect as someone who is more sensitive to delta 8 THC. Other times you will need to increase your dosage.

Is Delta 8 THC Legal?

One of the greatest benefits of delta 8 THC, is its federally legal. You can still order it online despite certain states having banned it and other forms THC.

This is because hemp-derived delta8 THC has 0.3% or less. All hemp products that meet the 2018 Farm Bill’s criteria are legal at federal level.

You can buy marijuana-derived delta-8 THC extracts in states that allow recreational marijuana use.

Summary of the Benefits Of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC’s milder psychoactive profile and benefits have made it an attractive alternative for people who can’t handle the THC-induced trippy effects.

Delta 8 THC has a half-amount of the potency of delta 9. It is less likely to cause anxiety or paranoia and can be used to treat a variety of health issues.

Delta 8 THC is a powerful relaxant that can reduce stress, improve focus, sleep patterns, ease anxiety, increase appetite, relieve nausea, and vomiting.

Recent research also points to delta 8 THC being a neuroprotectant that could prevent or treat neurodegenerative diseases.

The best part is that delta 8 THC (at least for the moment) is legal at the federal level, so you can still enjoy its benefits, even if your state hasn’t approved recreational marijuana use.

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